
kitoki-symbol is a digital asset with a value defined by the daily average of these fiat currencies: USD, EUR, JPY, GBP, CNY.

get kitoki_flows
Fair value distribution

kitoki_flows is designed for growing together with diversity, and addressing economic disparity.

Limited disparity

Kitoki_flows' digital asset is automatically redistributed when economic inequality exceeds 4 to 1.
How Kitoki_flows
With Kitoki_flow you can create actions and vote by 'putting your money where your mouth is'.

When an action proposal meets its requirements, the action gets elected. Then the Kitoki_actions fund contributes to the elected proposals budget and Kitoki Foundation employs the actions' workers. After the action is realised according to the elected proposals requirements, the elected actions' budget pays the actions' workers which receive wages according to the standards defined by the sectors collective work agreements (art sector, educational sector, socio-cultural sector, scientific sector).

  • Step 1. a creator = proposes an action (artistic, educational, socio-cultural, scientific)
  • Step 2. to vote = get Kitoki_flow
  • Step 3. to cast a vote on an action proposal = spend Kitoki_flow
  • Step 4. action proposal gets elected = get employed by KITOKI Foundation.
  • Step 5. action has been realised = employee receives wages in EUR.